XClone tutorials on BCH869 scRNA-seq

A public glioma sample with histone H3 lysine27-to-methionine mutations (H3K27M-glioma), BCH869 dataset used in this tutorial is acquired from Filbin et al. (2018). The BCH869 data generated using smart-seq2 was downloaded in FASTQ files from GEO GSE102130 by request from the authors. Within the original BCH869 dataset, there are 489 cells, with four tumor subclones composed of 227, 221, 34 and 7 cells, according to the original study, 3 normal cells (Oligodendrocytes and immune cells) from the same sample were combined in the dataset as reference cells in our study.

This dataset can be used to detect complex CNV clonal information in tumor sample. According to the original paper’s annotations, the term “Clone_ID” in the anndata is used to indicate the specific clone to which the cells belong.


This tutorial covers how to use XClone for scRNA-seq CNV analysis in RDR module, BAF module and Combine module independently.

Author: Rongting Huang

Date: 2023-04-03

Contact information:

The data used in this tutorial is available in XClone package and can be download from xclonedata.

The data contains:

  • Single-cell RNA-seq read count data for XClone RDR module and BAF module.


To follow this tutorial, you will need:

  • Python 3.7.

  • The following Python packages: XClone and its dependent packages, e.g., anndata, numpy, scipy, pandas, scanpy.

In this tutorial, we covered how to use XClone for scRNA CNV analysis. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the author.

Load packages

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import xclone
import anndata as an
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy
print("scipy", scipy.__version__)

(Running XClone 0.3.4)
2023-04-03 09:56:58
scipy 1.7.0
[XClone efficiency] multiprocessing cpu total count in your device 112
dataset_name = "BCH869_scRNA"
## output results dir
outdir = "/storage/xxxx/users/xxxx/xclone/tutorials/"

To specify the name of your dataset and the output directory where the results will be saved, you can set the dataset_name and outdir parameters before you start using any module in XClone. Replace “BCH869_scRNA” with a name of your choice to identify your dataset, and "/storage/xxxx/users/xxxx/xclone/tutorials/" with the path to the directory where you want to save the output files.

Load dataset

For BCH869 dataset, users can easily load the raw read count matrices for RDR module and BAF module, respectively by xclone.data.bch869_rdr() and xclone.data.bch869_baf().

Users can load the matricesin anndata object in Python, it typically contains several matrices or tables of data, each with its own set of row and/or column annotations. The obs attribute typically contains annotation information for each cell in the dataset, and the var attribute typically contains annotation information for each gene in the dataset.

obs attribute used in XClone:

Clone_ID: Clone identifier for each cell from the original paper.

cell_type: Normal and tumor cells, 'N' and 'T' here in BCH869 dataset.

Additional cell-level annotations can be merged in obs by users.

var attribute used in XClone:

GeneName: Gene Names for each gene in the dataset.

GeneID: Identifier or accession number of each gene in the dataset(if available).

chr: Chromosome location of each gene.

start: Start position of each gene on its chromosome.

stop: End position of each gene on its chromosome.

arm: Chromosome arm information for each gene.

chr_arm: Combined Chromosome and arm information for each gene.

band: Chromosome band information for each gene (if available)..

Additional gene-level annotations can be merged in var by users.

For RDR module, there is raw_expr layer in the anndata, and for BAF module, there are two layers AD and DP, initially.

RDR_adata = xclone.data.bch869_rdr()
BAF_adata = xclone.data.bch869_baf()
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 492 × 32696
    obs: 'Sample', 'GenesExpressed', 'HousekeepingGeneExpression', 'Type', 'Cellcycle', 'OPC-variable', 'OC-like', 'AC-like', 'OPC-like', 'Clone_ID', 'cell_type'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band'
    uns: 'data_mode', 'data_notes', 'genome_mode', 'log'
    layers: 'raw_expr'
'2022-11-07 14:10:33'
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 492 × 32696
    obs: 'Sample', 'GenesExpressed', 'HousekeepingGeneExpression', 'Type', 'Cellcycle', 'OPC-variable', 'OC-like', 'AC-like', 'OPC-like', 'Clone_ID', 'cell_type'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band'
    uns: 'data_mode', 'data_notes', 'genome_mode', 'log'
    layers: 'AD', 'DP'
'2022-10-21 15:05:42'

RDR module

By calling the config method xclone.XCloneConfig(), users can create an instance of the XCloneConfig class in the module of “RDR” to set data-specific configures for RDR module. It is default for 10x scRNA-seq data, if the datastet to be analysed is smart-seq, users need set True for set_smartseq.

In RDR module, specify a cell_anno_key with a cell annotation key used in your dataset, and ref_celltype as the reference cell type.

Set the output directory by specifying outdir.

XClone can defaultly detect and remove celltype-specific marker genes when users specify cell annotation key for marker_group_anno_key and N top marker genes in each cell group to be removed by specify the number in top_n_marker, \(N=15\) by default. However users can set more, e.g., \(N = 25\) if the cell clusters are less. For example, there are only 2 cell type in selected annotation, N and T here in BCH869 dataset, and the majority of the cells are labeled T.

Users can decide to plot the main figures in each module or not by setting xclone_plot, True or False. If True, can also select cell annotation term plot_cell_anno_key for plotting cells by clusters.

XClone has default start probability for start_prob ([0.3, 0.4, 0.3] for copy loss, copy neutral and copy gain) in smart-seq dataset.

Before running the RDR moudle, users can use xconfig.display() to print all configurations used in RDR module for previewing and logging.

Users can run the analysis on your input data by calling the run_RDR method by specifying the RDR_adata and config_file. If no custmoised config file is used, XClone will load the default config file.

Here shows the example of BCH869 RDR module.

xconfig = xclone.XCloneConfig(dataset_name = dataset_name, module = "RDR", set_smartseq = True)
xconfig.set_figure_params(xclone= True, fontsize = 18)
xconfig.outdir = outdir
xconfig.cell_anno_key = "cell_type"
xconfig.ref_celltype = "N"
xconfig.top_n_marker = 25
xconfig.marker_group_anno_key = "cell_type"
xconfig.xclone_plot= True
xconfig.plot_cell_anno_key = "Clone_ID"

RDR_Xdata = xclone.model.run_RDR(RDR_adata,
            config_file = xconfig)
HMM_brk                        chr_arm
KNN_neighbors                  10
WMA_smooth_key                 chr_arm
WMA_window_size                40
_file_format_data              h5ad
_file_format_figs              pdf
_frameon                       True
_outdir                        /storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/tutorials
_start                         1680515845.0635133
_vector_friendly               True
cell_anno_key                  cell_type
dataset_name                   BCH869_scRNA
dispersion_celltype            None
exclude_XY                     True
file_format_data               h5ad
file_format_figs               pdf
filter_ref_ave                 1.8
fit_GLM_libratio               False
gene_exp_group                 1
gene_exp_ref_log               True
guide_chr_anno_key             chr_arm
guide_cnv_ratio                None
guide_qt_lst                   [0.0001, 0.96, 0.99]
marker_group_anno_key          cell_type
max_iter                       2
min_iter                       1
module                         RDR
outdir                         /storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/tutorials
plot_cell_anno_key             Clone_ID
rdr_plot_vmax                  0.7
rdr_plot_vmin                  -0.7
ref_celltype                   N
remove_guide_XY                True
remove_marker                  True
select_normal_chr_num          4
set_figtitle                   True
set_smartseq                   True
smart_transform                True
start_prob                     [0.3 0.4 0.3]
top_n_marker                   25
trans_prob                     [[9.99998e-01 1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06]
 [1.00000e-06 9.99998e-01 1.00000e-06]
 [1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06 9.99998e-01]]
trans_t                        1e-06
warninig_ignore                True
xclone_plot                    True

[XClone RDR module running]************************
[XClone] exclude chr X&Y in the analysis.
[XClone warning] RDR module excelude chr XY analysis.
[XClone data preprocessing] check RDR raw dataset value: success
Keep valid cells: Filter out 0 cells / 492 total cells, remain 492 valid cells with annotation
[XClone data preprocessing] check RDR cell annotation: success
[XClone-RDR preprocessing] Filter out 11643 genes / 31522 total genes, remain 19879 genes
[XClone data preprocessing] detect RDR genes: done
[XClone-RDR preprocessing] Filter out 14593 genes / 19879 total genes, remain 5286 genes
Trying to set attribute `.var` of view, copying.
[XClone] use marker genes provided by users:
 ['AC020594.5' 'AFF3' 'AKT3' 'ATF3' 'CTD-2370N5.3' 'DGKI' 'DPP6' 'ELL2'
 'ENAH' 'ENPP2' 'EVI2A' 'GSN' 'GSN-AS1' 'ILF3' 'JPH1' 'KCNJ2' 'LPCAT2'
 'RAPGEF3' 'RFWD2' 'RP1-197B17.3' 'RP11-108K3.1' 'RP11-218M22.1'
 'RP11-477J21.6' 'SFMBT2' 'SH3D21' 'SLC31A2' 'SPP1' 'SYNGR2' 'SYT11'
 'TGFA' 'TLR1' 'TNFAIP8L3' 'TNR' 'USP34' 'ZBTB20']
filter_genes_num: 50
used_genes_num: 5236
output anndata is not sparse matrix.
Trying to set attribute `.var` of view, copying.
Trying to set attribute `.var` of view, copying.
[XClone RDR gene dispersion fitting] Time used: 85 seconds
[XClone RDR gene-specific dispersion]: checking
max_value: 6.3557562680144075
min_value: 8.875568624874978e-08
qt_0.95_value: 4.108871386621837
qt_0.05_value: 6.533122476556893e-07
remove no GLM results genes num: 0
remove inf dispersion genes num: 0
[XClone RDR dispersion]: clipping
[XClone RDR gene-specific dispersion]: checking
max_value: 1.2666903869761477
min_value: 5.204269772930633e-07
qt_0.95_value: 1.2666903869761477
qt_0.05_value: 6.533122476556893e-07
[XClone hint] RDR_base_file and bulk_file saved in /storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/tutorials/data/.
make WMA connectivities matrix, saved in varp[WMA_connect].
[XClone] RDR CNV states chrs guiding(copy loss, copy neutral, copy gain): ['14q', '10q', '1q']
CNV loss:  0.5521135627178742
CNV neutral:  1.03045382669756
CNV gain:  1.5131455671638907
[XClone] RDR CNV states ratio guiding(copy loss, copy neutral, copy gain): [0.55211356 1.03045383 1.51314557]
expression_brk [0.6931472 2.036882 ]
[XClone] CNV_optimazation iteration:  1
Cell level: no filtering emm_prob
Gene level: filter nan emm_prob
[XClone HMM smoothing] Time used: 18 seconds
[XClone] CNV_optimazation iteration:  2
[XClone] fit CNV ratio
16       1.231269e-05
35       8.434611e-01
57       2.836854e-05
68       1.076015e+00
70       1.699638e-06
31475    1.019751e-03
31487    8.858016e-01
31491    1.266690e+00
31499    1.024028e-06
31500    5.204270e-07
Name: dispersion_capped, Length: 5235, dtype: float64
[XClone] GLM success:
[5. 4. 6. ... 4. 4. 3.] [1. 1. 1. ... 1. 1. 1.] [2.4565687 1.9952595 3.4689655 ... 1.5762382 1.9571666 3.2845428] [0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]
[XClone] GLM success:
[5. 4. 6. ... 4. 4. 3.] [1. 1. 1. ... 1. 1. 1.] [2.4565687 1.9952595 3.4689655 ... 1.5762382 1.9571666 3.2845428] [0. 0. 0. ... 1. 0. 1.]
[XClone] GLM success:
[5. 4. 6. ... 4. 4. 3.] [1. 1. 1. ... 1. 1. 1.] [2.4565687 1.9952595 3.4689655 ... 1.5762382 1.9571666 3.2845428] [1. 1. 1. ... 0. 1. 0.]
Time used 6 seconds
Cell level: no filtering emm_prob
Gene level: filter nan emm_prob
[XClone HMM smoothing] Time used: 20 seconds
iteration_end_round:  2
Logliklihood:  [-2893610.08231379 -2882972.95884021]
CNV_ratio:  {'0': array([[0.55211356, 1.03045383, 1.51314557]]), '1': array([[0.56092921, 0.99085308, 1.53913528]])}
Time used 72 seconds
[XClone hint] RDR_final_file saved in /storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/tutorials/data/.
[XClone plotting]
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 492 × 5235
    obs: 'Sample', 'GenesExpressed', 'HousekeepingGeneExpression', 'Type', 'Cellcycle', 'OPC-variable', 'OC-like', 'AC-like', 'OPC-like', 'Clone_ID', 'cell_type', 'counts_ratio'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'ref_avg', 'dispersion', 'gene_dispersion_bse', 'dispersion_capped'
    uns: 'data_mode', 'data_notes', 'genome_mode', 'log', 'rank_marker_genes', 'fit_dispersion_removed_genes', 'dispersion_base_celltype', 'pca', 'neighbors', 'chr_dict', 'guide_CNV_chrs_use_layers', 'guide_CNV_chrs_use_anno_key', 'ref_log_expression_brk', 'group_genes', 'CNV_ratio', 'Logliklihood'
    obsm: 'X_pca'
    varm: 'PCs'
    layers: 'raw_expr', 'raw_ratio', 'ref_normalized', 'expected', 'WMA_smoothed', 'RDR_smooth', 'emm_prob_log', 'emm_prob_log_noHMM', 'emm_prob_noHMM', 'posterior_mtx', 'posterior_mtx_log'
    obsp: 'distances', 'connectivities'
(492, 5235, 3)
(492, 5235)

Users can load the step by step results(AnnData) stored in outdir/data.

For the final RDR module CNV detection results, load the AnnData object results into memory:

import anndata
filename = outdir+"data/RDR_adata_KNN_HMM_post.h5ad"
adata = anndata.read_h5ad(filename)

Access the posterior_mtx layer:

cnv_prob = adata.layers["posterior_mtx"]

This will extract the final CNV calling results as a NumPy array.

The posterior_mtx layer contains the posterior probabilities of each cell at each genomic segment(gene scale default) having each copy number state. The rows correspond to cells and the columns correspond to genomic segments.

copy_states = cnv_prob.argmax(axis=-1)

This will give you a 2D numpy array hard assigned CNV states for each cell each gene.

For more to explore the results of XClone, pls refer to link.

BAF module

Similarly, by calling the config method xclone.XCloneConfig(), users can create an instance of the XCloneConfig class in the module of “BAF” to set data-specific configures for BAF module. It is also default for 10x scRNA-seq data, if the datastet to be analysed is smart-seq, users need set True for set_smartseq.

It is default set baf_bias_mode=1, which supports \(K=5\) BAF states: allele A bias (++), allele A bias (+), allele balance, allele B bias (+), and allele B bias (++). XClone provides \(K=3\) BAF states for comparasion (visualization). In this mode, CNV_N_components is 5. Alternatively, users can specify another mode by setting baf_bias_mode=0, which supports \(K=3\) BAF states: allele A bias,allele balance, allele B bias. In this mode, CNV_N_components is 3.

In BAF module, the start probabilitystart_prob is default set as \([0.3, 0.4, 0.3]\) and \([0.2, 0.15, 0.3, 0.15, 0.2]\) for \(K=3\) and \(K=5\), respectively. And the transition probability trans_prob for HMM smoothing is default set as \(\{t = 1e-6\), \(1-(K-1)t\}\) respectively for cross-state transition and state keeping. If users change CNV_N_components manually, should also consider the correspoding start probability and transition probability in HMM settings.

Generaly, users need specify a cell_anno_key with a cell annotation key used in your dataset, and ref_celltype as the reference cell type.

Set the output directory by specifying outdir.

Generaly, data-specific theoractical B allele frequency is fitted from the reference cells. However, if the reference cells is limited, users can set theo_neutral_BAF=0.5 directly. For example, there are just 3 reference cells in BCH869 dataset, we set the theo_neutral_BAF directly to avoid high bias from the reference cells.

Users can decide to plot the main figures in each module or not by setting xclone_plot, True or False. If True, can also select cell annotation term plot_cell_anno_key for plotting cells by clusters. XClone perform the denoise strategy in BAF module and plot the denoised BAF CNV profile by default.

Before running the BAF moudle, users can use xconfig.display() to print all configurations used in RDR module for previewing and logging.

Users can run the analysis on your input data by calling the run_BAF method by specifying the BAF_adata and config_file. If no custmoised config file is used, XClone will load the default config file.

Here shows the example of BCH869 BAF module.

xconfig = xclone.XCloneConfig(dataset_name = dataset_name, module = "BAF", set_smartseq = True, baf_bias_mode = 1)
xconfig.set_figure_params(xclone= True, fontsize = 18)
xconfig.outdir = outdir
xconfig.cell_anno_key = "cell_type"
xconfig.ref_celltype = "N"
xconfig.theo_neutral_BAF = 0.5
xconfig.BAF_denoise = True

xconfig.xclone_plot= True
xconfig.plot_cell_anno_key = "Clone_ID"


BAF_merge_Xdata = xclone.model.run_BAF(BAF_adata,
            config_file = xconfig)
BAF_add                        None
BAF_denoise                    True
BAF_denoise_GMM_comp           2
BAF_denoise_GMM_detection      True
BAF_denoise_cellprop_cutoff    0.05
CNV_N_components               5
HMM_brk                        chr_arm
KNN_neighbors                  10
RDR_file                       None
WMA_smooth_key                 chr_arm
WMA_window_size                6
_file_format_data              h5ad
_file_format_figs              pdf
_frameon                       True
_outdir                        /storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/tutorials
_start                         1680516163.165731
_vector_friendly               True
baf_bias_mode                  1
bin_nproc                      20
cell_anno_key                  cell_type
concentration                  None
concentration_lower            20
concentration_upper            100
dataset_name                   BCH869_scRNA
exclude_XY                     True
extreme_count_cap              False
feature_mode                   GENE
file_format_data               h5ad
file_format_figs               pdf
gene_specific_concentration    True
guide_theo_CNV_states          None
module                         BAF
outdir                         /storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/tutorials
phasing_len                    100
phasing_region_key             chr
plot_cell_anno_key             Clone_ID
ref_BAF_clip                   False
ref_celltype                   N
remove_guide_XY                True
remove_marker_genes            True
set_figtitle                   True
set_smartseq                   True
start_prob                     [0.2  0.15 0.3  0.15 0.2 ]
theo_neutral_BAF               0.5
trans_prob                     [[9.99996e-01 1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06]
 [1.00000e-06 9.99996e-01 1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06]
 [1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06 9.99996e-01 1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06]
 [1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06 9.99996e-01 1.00000e-06]
 [1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06 1.00000e-06 9.99996e-01]]
trans_t                        1e-06
warninig_ignore                True
xclone_plot                    True

[XClone BAF module running]************************
[XClone] exclude chr X&Y in the analysis.
[XClone warning] BAF module excelude chr XY analysis.
[XClone data preprocessing] check BAF raw dataset value: success
Keep valid cells: Filter out 0 cells / 492 total cells, remain 492 valid cells with annotation
[XClone data preprocessing] check BAF cell annotation: success
[XClone data checking]: RDR and BAF in same cell order.
[XClone-data removing]:
Filter out 50 genes / 31522 total genes, remain 31472 regions
[XClone-Local_phasing] time_used: 62.86seconds
[XClone-Global_phasing] time_used: 1.27seconds
make WMA connectivities matrix, saved in varp[WMA_connect].
WMA_connect exists for direct use.
... storing 'bin_stop_arm' as categorical
... storing 'bin_stop_chr_arm' as categorical
... storing 'bin_stop_band' as categorical
[XClone hint] BAF_base_file and merged_file saved in /storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/tutorials/data/.
[XClone get_CNV_states] time_used: 147.43seconds
states used: [0.23157682 0.38026897 0.5        0.6307046  0.81142831]
[XClone] specific Center states used.
[XClone hint] specific concentrations used.
[XClone]: validated probability, all finite.
cal emm prob time 1 seconds
normalize the input emm_prob_log
normalized emm_prob_log
generate new layer key value: bin_phased_BAF_specific_center_emm_prob_log_KNN
[BAF smoothing] time_used: 1.33seconds
Cell level: no filtering emm_prob
Gene level: no filtering emm_prob
[XClone] multiprocessing for each brk item
nproc: 80
[XClone HMM smoothing] Time used: 9 seconds
[XClone get_CNV_states] time_used: 62.55seconds
states used: [0.27436964 0.5        0.72000833]
[XClone] specific Center states used.
[XClone hint] specific concentrations used.
[XClone]: validated probability, all finite.
cal emm prob time 0 seconds
normalize the input emm_prob_log
normalized emm_prob_log
generate new layer key value: correct_emm_prob_log_KNN
[BAF smoothing] time_used: 0.64seconds
Cell level: no filtering emm_prob
Gene level: no filtering emm_prob
[XClone] multiprocessing for each brk item
nproc: 80
[XClone HMM smoothing] Time used: 16 seconds
[[0.0450122 ]
[XClone hint] BAF_final_file saved in /storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/tutorials/data/.
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 492 × 326
    obs: 'Sample', 'GenesExpressed', 'HousekeepingGeneExpression', 'Type', 'Cellcycle', 'OPC-variable', 'OC-like', 'AC-like', 'OPC-like', 'Clone_ID', 'cell_type'
    var: 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'gene1_stop', 'bin_stop_arm', 'bin_stop_chr_arm', 'bin_stop_band', 'bin_idx', 'bin_idx_cum', 'GeneName_lst', 'GeneID_lst', 'bin_genes_cnt', 'theo_neutral_BAF', 'concentration'
    uns: 'local_phasing_key', 'local_phasing_len'
    layers: 'ad_bin_softcnt', 'ad_bin', 'dp_bin', 'ad_bin_softcnt_phased', 'ad_bin_phased', 'BAF', 'BAF_phased', 'fill_BAF_phased', 'BAF_phased_KNN', 'BAF_phased_KNN_WMA', 'BAF_phased_WMA', 'bin_phased_BAF_specific_center_emm_prob_log', 'bin_phased_BAF_specific_center_emm_prob_log_KNN', 'emm_prob_log_noHMM', 'emm_prob_noHMM', 'posterior_mtx', 'posterior_mtx_log', 'add_posterior_mtx', 'denoised_add_posterior_mtx', 'denoised_posterior_mtx'
    obsp: 'connectivities_expr'
    varp: 'WMA_connect'
(492, 326, 5)

The final step anndata stored in outdir/data/BAF_merge_Xdata_KNN_HMM_post.h5ad and users can get the CNV indentification in layer posterior_mtx.

Combine module

Similarly, by calling the config method xclone.XCloneConfig(), users can create an instance of the XCloneConfig class in the module of “Combine” to set data-specific configures for Combine module. It is also default for 10x scRNA-seq data, if the datastet to be analysed is smart-seq, users need set True for set_smartseq.

Set the output directory by specifying outdir.

Users can decide to plot the main figures in each module or not by setting xclone_plot, True or False. If True, can also select cell annotation term plot_cell_anno_key for plotting cells by clusters. If plot_cell_anno_key is not specified, default cell_anno_key= "cell_type" will be used.

For plotting functions in combine moudle, users can set bool variable merge_loss and merge_loh to see if they want to merge allele-specific copy loss/loh states. For more setting in XClone plotting, refer to plotting page. Here in BCH869 datasets, we keep the allele-specific copy loss states, and we can see clear pattern in chr14. Users can set BAF_denoise = True to combine denoised results from BAF module with RDR module.

Before running the Combine moudle, users can use xconfig.display() to print all configurations used in Combine module for previewing and logging.

Users can run the analysis on your input data by calling the run_combine method by specifying the RDR_Xdata, BAF_merge_Xdata and config_file. If no custmoised config file is used, XClone will load the default config file.

Here shows the example of BCH869 Combine module.

xconfig = xclone.XCloneConfig(dataset_name = dataset_name, module = "Combine", set_smartseq = True)
xconfig.set_figure_params(xclone= True, fontsize = 18)
xconfig.outdir = outdir

xconfig.xclone_plot= True
xconfig.plot_cell_anno_key = "Clone_ID"
xconfig.merge_loss = False
xconfig.merge_loh = True

xconfig.BAF_denoise = True

combine_Xdata = xclone.model.run_combine(RDR_Xdata,
                verbose = True,
                run_verbose = True,
                config_file = xconfig)
BAF_denoise                    True
KNN_neighbors                  10
_file_format_data              h5ad
_file_format_figs              pdf
_frameon                       True
_outdir                        /storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/tutorials
_start                         1680516548.5764465
_vector_friendly               True
cell_anno_key                  cell_type
copygain_correct               False
copygain_correct_mode          None
copyloss_correct               True
copyloss_correct_mode          1
dataset_name                   BCH869_scRNA
exclude_XY                     True
file_format_data               h5ad
file_format_figs               pdf
merge_loh                      True
merge_loss                     False
module                         Combine
outdir                         /storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/tutorials
plot_cell_anno_key             Clone_ID
ref_celltype                   N
remove_guide_XY                True
set_figtitle                   True
set_smartseq                   True
warninig_ignore                True
xclone_plot                    True

[XClone Combination module running]************************
[XClone] exclude chr X&Y in the analysis.
[XClone] exclude chr X&Y in the analysis.
[XClone warning] Combine module excelude chr XY analysis.
[XClone] BAF extend bins to genes.
[XClone data checking]: RDR and BAF in same cell order.
No genes in this bin: 20693 20707 , skip this bin.
No genes in this bin: 31519 31619 , skip this bin.
[XClone hint] combine_corrected_file saved in /storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/tutorials/data/.
[XClone hint] combine_final_file saved in /storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/tutorials/data/.
[XClone plotting]
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 492 × 5235
    obs: 'Sample', 'GenesExpressed', 'HousekeepingGeneExpression', 'Type', 'Cellcycle', 'OPC-variable', 'OC-like', 'AC-like', 'OPC-like', 'Clone_ID', 'cell_type', 'counts_ratio'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'ref_avg', 'dispersion', 'gene_dispersion_bse', 'dispersion_capped', 'gene_index'
    uns: 'data_mode', 'data_notes', 'genome_mode', 'log', 'rank_marker_genes', 'fit_dispersion_removed_genes', 'dispersion_base_celltype', 'pca', 'neighbors', 'chr_dict', 'guide_CNV_chrs_use_layers', 'guide_CNV_chrs_use_anno_key', 'ref_log_expression_brk', 'group_genes', 'CNV_ratio', 'Logliklihood'
    obsm: 'X_pca'
    varm: 'PCs'
    layers: 'raw_expr', 'raw_ratio', 'ref_normalized', 'expected', 'WMA_smoothed', 'RDR_smooth', 'emm_prob_log', 'emm_prob_log_noHMM', 'emm_prob_noHMM', 'posterior_mtx', 'posterior_mtx_log', 'BAF_extend_post_prob', 'combine_base_prob', 'corrected_prob', 'prob1_merge', 'plot_prob_merge1', 'plot_prob_merge2', 'plot_prob_merge3', 'plot_prob_merge4'
    obsp: 'distances', 'connectivities'
(492, 5235, 3, 5)
(492, 5235, 4)

The final step anndata stored in outdir/data/combined_final.h5ad and users can get the CNV indentification in layer corrected_prob and prob1_merge.