XClone demo TNBC1 scRNA-seq

scRNA-seq data

Author: Rongting Huang

Date: 2022-10-07

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import xclone

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy

import anndata as an


import warnings
[XClone efficiency] multiprocessing cpu total count in your device 112

Part I Data Preparation

see preprceossing and checking page

Part II Read depth count - RDR module

### option Notes: remove celltype specific marker genes-yes select X=4 normal chrs for libratio fitting use Reference cells to fit the gene-specific dispersion fit CNV ratio use 1(/4/5) gene groups remove ref bio confounder-no

params setting

## input and output dir
## files prepared
## params for this dataset

dataset_name = "TNBC1_scRNA"
dat_dir = "/storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/demo_v1/TNBC1_scRNA/data/"
RDR_load_file = dat_dir + "TNBC1_RDR_adata.h5ad"

# genome_mode = "hg38_genes"
# barcodes_key = "cell"
# cell_anno_key = "cluster.pred"
# ref_celltype = "N"

## output
out_dir = "/storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/demo_v1/TNBC1_scRNA/data/"
fig_dir = "/storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/demo_v1/TNBC1_scRNA/plot/"


# output before CNV calling
RDR_base_file = out_dir + "RDR_base_adata.h5ad"
RDR_bulk_file = out_dir + "RDR_bulk_adata.h5ad"
# output after CNV calling

# default 1
gene_exp_group = 1
RDR_final_file = out_dir + "RDR_adata_KNN_HMM_post.h5ad"
explore_RDR_file = out_dir + "RDR_adata_KNN_HMM_post_explore.h5ad"

# default:XClone
fig_title = ""

rdr_smooth_fig = fig_dir + dataset_name + "_RDR_smooth.png"
rdr_final_fig = fig_dir + dataset_name + "_RDR_CNV.png"

II-I: load data and check validation

[ ]:
# load preprocessed dataset
RDR_adata = an.read_h5ad(RDR_load_file)
copykat.pred cluster.pred cluster
... ... ... ...

1097 rows × 3 columns

AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 33472
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band'
    uns: 'log', 'data_mode', 'genome_mode', 'data_notes'
    layers: 'raw_expr'
RDR_adata = xclone.pp.check_RDR(RDR_adata, cell_anno_key = "cluster.pred", cell_detection_rate = 0.05, verbose = True)
[XClone data preprocessing] check RDR raw dataset value: success
Keep valid cells: Filter out 0 cells / 1097 total cells, remain 1097 valid cells with annotation
[XClone data preprocessing] check RDR cell annotation: success
[XClone-RDR preprocessing] Filter out 16315 genes / 33472 total genes, remain 17157 genes
[XClone data preprocessing] detect RDR genes: done
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 17157
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band'
    uns: 'log', 'data_mode', 'genome_mode', 'data_notes'
    layers: 'raw_expr'

transformation False for smart-seq

# it is for smart-seq
# RDR_adata = xclone.pp.Xtransformation(RDR_adata, transform = False, Xlayers = ["raw_expr"])

II-II data preprocessing

mode: “FILTER”, “ALL”. default: “ALL” for whole preprocessing pipeline.

if mode is FILTER, then return the filtered anndata;

if mode is default, then return anndata and bulk anndata for following analysis.
# For 10x scRNA DATA, Recommend filter_ref_ave ~= 0.5
RDR_adata = xclone.pp.Xdata_RDR_preprocess(RDR_adata, filter_ref_ave = 0.5, cell_anno_key = "cluster.pred",  ref_celltype = "N", mode = "FILTER")
[XClone-RDR preprocessing] Filter out 10724 genes / 17157 total genes, remain 6433 genes
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 6433
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'ref_avg'
    uns: 'log', 'data_mode', 'genome_mode', 'data_notes'
    layers: 'raw_expr'

remove marker genes

## remove marker genes
## saved the marker genes in list
## default top 15 genes for each celltype
marker_genes = xclone.pp.get_markers(RDR_adata,
                                     top_n =15,
                                     rank_group = "cluster.pred",
                                     marker_genes_key = "rank_marker_genes",
# RDR_adata_NOmarkers = xclone.model.filter_markers(RDR_adata, marker_lst = marker_genes)
RDR_adata = xclone.pp.filter_markers(RDR_adata, marker_lst = marker_genes)
... storing 'copykat.pred' as categorical
... storing 'chr' as categorical
... storing 'arm' as categorical
... storing 'chr_arm' as categorical
... storing 'band' as categorical
[XClone] use marker genes provided by users:
 ['AC036214.3' 'AC093484.3' 'AL365205.1' 'ATP1A1' 'B2M' 'CD24' 'CRYAB'
 'HSP90AB1' 'KRT7' 'MRPL14' 'POLR1C' 'RAB31' 'RPL28' 'TM4SF1' 'TMSB4X'
 'TOMM6' 'TPD52' 'UBB' 'YIPF3' 'ZEB2']
filter_genes_num: 30
used_genes_num: 6403
View of AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 6403
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'ref_avg'
    uns: 'log', 'data_mode', 'genome_mode', 'data_notes', 'rank_marker_genes'
    layers: 'raw_expr'
RDR_adata, RDR_adata_bulk = xclone.pp.Xdata_RDR_preprocess(RDR_adata, filter_ref_ave = None, cell_anno_key = "cluster.pred", ref_celltype = "N")
Trying to set attribute `.var` of view, copying.
output anndata is not sparse matrix.
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 6403
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'ref_avg'
    uns: 'log', 'data_mode', 'genome_mode', 'data_notes', 'rank_marker_genes'
    layers: 'raw_expr', 'raw_ratio'
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 2 × 6403
    obs: 'cluster.pred'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'ref_avg'
    layers: 'raw_ratio'

II-II-fit libratio

For celltype and cell

## select normal chr(default 4 chrs)

RDR_adata_bulk = xclone.model.select_normal_CHR(RDR_adata_bulk, select_chr_num = 4)

## extend the chr index to whole dataset for libratio fitting
### For celltype:
RDR_adata_bulk= xclone.model.extend_chr_index_to_singlecell(RDR_adata_bulk, RDR_adata_bulk, cell_anno_key = "cluster.pred")
# For cell:
RDR_adata = xclone.model.extend_chr_index_to_singlecell(RDR_adata, RDR_adata_bulk, cell_anno_key = "cluster.pred")
array([[18.,  4., 13.,  1.],
       [ 0.,  1.,  2., 16.],
       [18.,  4., 13.,  1.],
       [18.,  4., 13.,  1.],
       [18.,  4., 13.,  1.],
       [18.,  4., 13.,  1.]])
RDR_adata_bulk = xclone.model.fit_lib_ratio(RDR_adata_bulk, verbose=True, NB_kwargs={'disp': True, 'skip_hessian': True})
['1', '2', '3', '17']
0 1873
Warning: Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss.
         Current function value: 3.921103
         Iterations: 20
         Function evaluations: 76
         Gradient evaluations: 65
['19', '5', '14', '2']
1 1391
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 8.627491
         Iterations: 9
         Function evaluations: 11
         Gradient evaluations: 11
[XClone RDR library ratio fitting] Time used: 0 seconds
cluster.pred library_ratio library_alpha sample_chr_total ref_chr_total sample_chr_total_normalization
0 N 1.000000 1.994056e-09 1357283.0 1357283.0 1.000000
1 T 4.802065 8.663823e-01 4071254.0 1223905.0 3.326446
RDR_adata = xclone.model.fit_lib_ratio(RDR_adata, verbose=False, NB_kwargs={'disp': False, 'skip_hessian': True})
[XClone RDR library ratio fitting] Time used: 18 seconds
xclone.model.check_libratio(RDR_adata, anno_key = "library_ratio")
[XClone RDR library ratio]: checking
max_value: 4.978008632808787
min_value: 0.25581933202911067
qt_0.95_value: 3.625555619193634
qt_0.05_value: 0.5104424008672037
RDR_adata = xclone.model.libsize_clip(RDR_adata, max_threshold = 5)
xclone.model.check_libratio(RDR_adata, anno_key = "library_ratio_capped")
[XClone RDR library ratio]: clipping
[XClone RDR library ratio]: checking
max_value: 4.978008632808787
min_value: 0.25581933202911067
qt_0.95_value: 3.625555619193634
qt_0.05_value: 0.5104424008672037
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 6403
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster', 'library_ratio', 'library_alpha', 'sample_chr_total', 'ref_chr_total', 'sample_chr_total_normalization', 'library_ratio_capped'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'ref_avg'
    uns: 'log', 'data_mode', 'genome_mode', 'data_notes', 'rank_marker_genes'
    obsm: 'select_chr_index'
    layers: 'raw_expr', 'raw_ratio'

II-III-fit dispersion for each gene

AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 6403
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster', 'library_ratio', 'library_alpha', 'sample_chr_total', 'ref_chr_total', 'sample_chr_total_normalization', 'library_ratio_capped'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'ref_avg'
    uns: 'log', 'data_mode', 'genome_mode', 'data_notes', 'rank_marker_genes'
    obsm: 'select_chr_index'
    layers: 'raw_expr', 'raw_ratio'
## View cells number for each celltype and select one celltype for dispersion fitting
xclone.model.view_celltype(RDR_adata, cell_anno_key = "cluster.pred")
T    796
N    301
Name: cluster.pred, dtype: int64
T    796
N    301
Name: cluster.pred, dtype: int64
RDR_adata_REF = xclone.model.select_celltype(RDR_adata, cell_anno_key = "cluster.pred", select_celltype = "N")
## fit gene-specific dispersion based on reference celltype
RDR_adata_REF = xclone.model.fit_Dispersions(RDR_adata_REF, libsize_key = "library_ratio_capped", NB_kwargs={'disp': False, 'skip_hessian': True},
                                             verbose=False, model_results_path=None)
Trying to set attribute `.var` of view, copying.
[XClone RDR gene dispersion fitting] Time used: 57 seconds
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 301 × 6403
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster', 'library_ratio', 'library_alpha', 'sample_chr_total', 'ref_chr_total', 'sample_chr_total_normalization', 'library_ratio_capped'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'ref_avg', 'dispersion', 'gene_dispersion_bse'
    uns: 'log', 'data_mode', 'genome_mode', 'data_notes', 'rank_marker_genes', 'fit_dispersion_removed_genes'
    obsm: 'select_chr_index'
    layers: 'raw_expr', 'raw_ratio'
xclone.model.check_dispersion(RDR_adata_REF, anno_key = "dispersion")
[XClone RDR gene-specific dispersion]: checking
max_value: 52.8298388811891
min_value: 3.330895127931041e-72
qt_0.95_value: 4.162699785667388
qt_0.05_value: 0.04633867037721354
RDR_adata = xclone.model.map_var_info(RDR_adata, RDR_adata_REF, specific_celltype = "N")
RDR_adata = xclone.model.remove_genes(RDR_adata)
RDR_adata = xclone.model.remove_genes(RDR_adata, mode="INF")
remove no GLM results genes num: 0
remove inf dispersion genes num: 0
RDR_adata = xclone.model.dispersion_clip(RDR_adata, qt_low = 0.03, qt_up =0.93,  min_threshold = None, max_threshold = None)
Trying to set attribute `.var` of view, copying.
[XClone RDR library ratio]: clipping
xclone.model.check_dispersion(RDR_adata, anno_key = "dispersion_capped")
[XClone RDR gene-specific dispersion]: checking
max_value: 2.9108165471046656
min_value: 0.0148038128518171
qt_0.95_value: 2.9108165471046656
qt_0.05_value: 0.04633867037721354
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 6403
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster', 'library_ratio', 'library_alpha', 'sample_chr_total', 'ref_chr_total', 'sample_chr_total_normalization', 'library_ratio_capped'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'ref_avg', 'dispersion', 'gene_dispersion_bse', 'dispersion_capped'
    uns: 'log', 'data_mode', 'genome_mode', 'data_notes', 'rank_marker_genes', 'fit_dispersion_removed_genes', 'dispersion_base_celltype'
    obsm: 'select_chr_index'
    layers: 'raw_expr', 'raw_ratio'
... storing 'copykat.pred' as categorical
... storing 'chr' as categorical
... storing 'arm' as categorical
... storing 'chr_arm' as categorical
... storing 'band' as categorical
... storing 'chr' as categorical
... storing 'arm' as categorical
... storing 'chr_arm' as categorical
... storing 'band' as categorical

II-IV-fit CNV ratio

can set groups for different gene expression levels

RDR_adata = xclone.model.extra_preprocess(RDR_adata, cluster_key = "cluster.pred",
                                          low_dim=False, run_KNN=True, copy=True)
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 6403
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster', 'library_ratio', 'library_alpha', 'sample_chr_total', 'ref_chr_total', 'sample_chr_total_normalization', 'library_ratio_capped', 'counts_ratio'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'ref_avg', 'dispersion', 'gene_dispersion_bse', 'dispersion_capped'
    uns: 'log', 'data_mode', 'genome_mode', 'data_notes', 'rank_marker_genes', 'fit_dispersion_removed_genes', 'dispersion_base_celltype', 'pca', 'neighbors'
    obsm: 'select_chr_index', 'X_pca'
    varm: 'PCs'
    layers: 'raw_expr', 'raw_ratio', 'ref_normalized', 'expected'
    obsp: 'distances', 'connectivities'
RDR_adata = xclone.model.RDR_smoothing_base(RDR_adata,
                       clip = True,
                       outlayer = "RDR_smooth",
                       cell_anno_key = "cluster.pred",
                       ref_celltype = "N",
                       WMA_window_size = 40,
                       KNN_sm = True,
                       KNN_connect_use = "connectivities")
xclone.pl.smooth_visualization(RDR_adata, Xlayer = "RDR_smooth", cell_anno_key = 'cluster.pred',
                   vmin=-0.7, vmax=0.7)
xclone.pl.smooth_visualization(RDR_adata, Xlayer = "RDR_smooth", cell_anno_key = 'cluster',
                   vmin=-0.7, vmax=0.7)
xclone.pl.smooth_visualization2(RDR_adata, Xlayer = "RDR_smooth", cell_anno_key = ['cluster.pred','cluster'],
                   vmin=-0.7, vmax=0.7, change_colorbar = False, colorbar_ticks = None)
xclone.pl.smooth_visualization3(RDR_adata, Xlayer = "RDR_smooth", cell_anno_key = ['cluster.pred','cluster'],
                   vmin=-0.7, vmax=0.7, save_file = True, out_file = rdr_smooth_fig)
# guide_chr_lst, anno_key = xclone.model.guide_CNV_chrs(RDR_adata, Xlayer = "RDR_smooth", anno_key = "chr")
# guide_cnv_ratio = xclone.model.guide_CNV_states(RDR_adata, Xlayer = "RDR_smooth", chr_lst = guide_chr_lst, anno_key = "chr", qt_lst = [0.00001, 0.96, 0.999], show_boxplot = True)
# guide_cnv_ratio

guide_chr_lst, anno_key = xclone.model.guide_CNV_chrs(RDR_adata, Xlayer = "RDR_smooth", anno_key = "chr_arm")
guide_cnv_ratio = xclone.model.guide_CNV_states(RDR_adata, Xlayer = "RDR_smooth", chr_lst = guide_chr_lst, anno_key = "chr_arm", qt_lst = [0.00001, 0.96, 0.999], show_boxplot = True)
[XClone] RDR CNV states chrs guiding(copy loss, copy neutral, copy gain): ['19q', '3p', '8q']
CNV loss:  0.642443047067482
CNV neutral:  1.2354090610596011
CNV gain:  2.904653922422906
[XClone] RDR CNV states ratio guiding(copy loss, copy neutral, copy gain): [0.64244305 1.23540906 2.90465392]
array([0.64244305, 1.23540906, 2.90465392])
RDR_adata = xclone.model.gene_exp_group(RDR_adata, n_group = gene_exp_group, verbose=True)
expression_brk [-0.6898304  5.8300295]
# RDR_adata = xclone.model.CNV_optimazation(RDR_adata, init_state_ratio = np.array([0.642, 1.232, 2.38]),
#                     max_iter=2,
#                     min_iter=1)
# xclone.pl.CNV_visualization(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = "cluster")
RDR_adata = xclone.model.CNV_optimazation(RDR_adata, init_state_ratio = guide_cnv_ratio,

xclone.pl.CNV_visualization(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = "cluster", save_file = True, out_file = rdr_final_fig)
[XClone] CNV_optimazation iteration:  1
filter nan emm_prob
[XClone HMM smoothing] Time used: 14 seconds
[XClone] CNV_optimazation iteration:  2
[XClone] fit CNV ratio
26       2.910817
27       2.910817
38       2.910817
39       0.230897
43       0.144445
33348    0.866876
33350    0.464328
33353    0.109098
33355    0.168195
33357    0.136160
Name: dispersion_capped, Length: 6402, dtype: float64
[XClone] GLM success:
[0. 0. 0. ... 5. 9. 3.] [1. 1. 1. ... 1. 1. 1.] [0.44933625 0.61273423 0.6205301  ... 1.97774643 2.89418684 2.33737526] [1. 1. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]
[XClone] GLM success:
[0. 0. 0. ... 5. 9. 3.] [1. 1. 1. ... 1. 1. 1.] [0.44933625 0.61273423 0.6205301  ... 1.97774643 2.89418684 2.33737526] [0. 0. 1. ... 0. 1. 1.]
[XClone] GLM success:
[0. 0. 0. ... 5. 9. 3.] [1. 1. 1. ... 1. 1. 1.] [0.44933625 0.61273423 0.6205301  ... 1.97774643 2.89418684 2.33737526] [0. 0. 0. ... 1. 0. 0.]
Time used 1 seconds
filter nan emm_prob
[XClone HMM smoothing] Time used: 14 seconds
iteration_end_round:  2
Logliklihood:  [-7601895.31700643 -7604067.51360096]
CNV_ratio:  {'0': array([[0.64244305, 1.23540906, 2.90465392]]), '1': array([[0.56631763, 1.24929557, 3.1709977 ]])}
Time used 44 seconds
## default 1 groups

More exploration base on celltype cluster information

celltype_file = "/home/rthuang/ResearchProject/XClone/raw_data/TNBC1_data/tnbc1_celltype_diffresolution.txt"
RDR_adata = xclone.pp.extra_anno(RDR_adata, celltype_file, barcodes_key = "cell",
                                   cell_anno_key = ["cell type1","cell type2", "cell type3", "cell type4", "cell type5", "cell type6" ],
                                   sep ="\t")
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type1"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type2"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type3"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type4"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type5"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type6"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type1"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type2"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type3"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type4"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type5"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type6"])

Exploration on mit

mit_file = "/home/rthuang/ResearchProject/XClone/raw_data/TNBC1_data/MQuad_mitclones_df.csv"
RDR_adata = xclone.pp.extra_anno(RDR_adata, mit_file, barcodes_key = "cell",
                                   cell_anno_key = ["mit_clone_id"],
                                   sep =",")
Name: mit_clone_id, Length: 1097, dtype: category
Categories (2, int64): [0, 1]
clone2annotation = {
     0: 'Clone1',
     1: 'Clone2'}
RDR_adata.obs["mit_ID"] = RDR_adata.obs["mit_clone_id"].map(clone2annotation).astype('category')
copykat.pred cluster.pred cluster library_ratio library_alpha sample_chr_total ref_chr_total sample_chr_total_normalization library_ratio_capped counts_ratio ... cell type2 cell type3 cell type4 cell type5 cell type6 mit_clone_id confident tumor copykat mit_ID
AAACCTGCACCTTGTC-1 T T Clone A 1.008691 1.354018 2772.0 4066.129395 0.681729 1.008691 1.013301 ... Cluster5 Cluster6 Cluster7 Cluster10 Cluster12 0 True T 1 Clone1
AAACGGGAGTCCTCCT-1 N N Normal 0.653672 0.319059 2826.0 4509.245605 0.626712 0.653672 0.676202 ... Cluster3 Cluster3 Cluster2 Cluster1 Cluster4 0 True N 2 Clone1
AAACGGGTCCAGAGGA-1 T T Clone A 1.177460 1.053450 3319.0 4066.129395 0.816255 1.177460 1.196331 ... Cluster1 Cluster1 Cluster1 Cluster4 Cluster2 0 True T 1 Clone1
AAAGATGCAGTTTACG-1 T T Clone B 0.365469 3.018751 1814.0 4066.129395 0.446125 0.365469 0.655255 ... Cluster2 Cluster2 Cluster4 Cluster2 Cluster1 0 True T 3 Clone1
AAAGCAACAGGAATGC-1 T T Clone A 0.701198 1.489378 2034.0 4066.129395 0.500230 0.701198 0.725594 ... Cluster1 Cluster1 Cluster1 Cluster5 Cluster6 0 True T 1 Clone1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
TTTATGCTCCTCATTA-1 T T Clone A 1.190337 1.441410 3420.0 4066.129395 0.841095 1.190337 1.304501 ... Cluster1 Cluster1 Cluster1 Cluster4 Cluster2 0 True T 1 Clone1
TTTATGCTCTGTTGAG-1 T T Clone A 0.903312 1.520170 2446.0 4066.129395 0.601555 0.903312 0.865584 ... Cluster1 Cluster1 Cluster1 Cluster5 Cluster6 0 True T 1 Clone1
TTTCCTCTCGGAAACG-1 T T Clone A 0.901396 1.361492 2454.0 4066.129395 0.603522 0.901396 0.909882 ... Cluster1 Cluster1 Cluster1 Cluster5 Cluster10 0 True T 1 Clone1
TTTGCGCCAATCACAC-1 T T Clone A 3.206090 1.102217 9208.0 4066.129395 2.264561 3.206090 3.365787 ... Cluster1 Cluster4 Cluster3 Cluster3 Cluster3 0 True T 1 Clone1
TTTGTCATCTTGTATC-1 T T Clone A 2.933981 0.964252 7401.0 4066.129395 1.820158 2.933981 2.469583 ... Cluster1 Cluster4 Cluster3 Cluster3 Cluster3 0 True T 1 Clone1

1097 rows × 21 columns

xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "mit_ID"], clusters_display_name = [ "Celltype", "MQuad_clone"])
# xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata,  weights = False, cell_anno_key = [ "cell type4", "mit_ID"], clusters_display_name = [ "Celltype", "MQuad_clone"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = ["mit_ID", "cluster", ], clusters_display_name = [ "MQuad_clone","Celltype"], )
## pick this one
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = ["cell type4", "mit_ID"], clusters_display_name = [ "Celltype", "MQuad_clone"])

xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_complex(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = ["mit_ID", "cell type4"], clusters_display_name = [  "MQuad_clone", "Celltype"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization(RDR_adata, states_weight = np.array([1,2,3]), weights = True, cell_anno_key = "mit_ID")
... storing 'tumor' as categorical

Part III-Allele frequency - BAF module

params setting

## input and output dir
## files prepared
## params for this dataset

dataset_name = "TNBC1_scRNA"
dat_dir = "/storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/demo_v1/TNBC1_scRNA/data/"
BAF_load_file = dat_dir + "TNBC1_BAF_adata.h5ad"

## params
genome_mode = "hg38_genes"
## output
out_dir = "/storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/demo_v1/TNBC1_scRNA/data/"
fig_dir = "/storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/demo_v1/TNBC1_scRNA/plot/"


# output before CNV calling
BAF_base_file = out_dir + "BAF_base_Xdata.h5ad"
BAF_merge_base_file = out_dir + "BAF_merge_base_Xdata.h5ad"

# output after CNV calling

# default 1
BAF_final_file = out_dir + "BAF_merge_Xdata_KNN_HMM_post.h5ad"

explore_BAF_file = out_dir +"BAF_merge_Xdata_KNN_HMM_post_explore.h5ad"

# default:XClone
fig_title = ""

baf_smooth_fig = fig_dir + dataset_name + "_BAF_smooth.png"
baf_final_fig = fig_dir + dataset_name + "_BAF_CNV.png"

## use RDR connectivities
RDR_final_file = out_dir + "RDR_adata_KNN_HMM_post.h5ad"

III-I: load data and check validation

# load preprocessed dataset
BAF_adata = an.read_h5ad(BAF_load_file)
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 33472
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band'
    uns: 'data_mode', 'data_notes', 'genome_mode', 'log'
    layers: 'AD', 'DP'
BAF_adata = xclone.pp.check_BAF(BAF_adata, cell_anno_key = "cluster.pred", verbose = True)
[XClone data preprocessing] check BAF raw dataset value: success
Keep valid cells: Filter out 0 cells / 1097 total cells, remain 1097 valid cells with annotation
[XClone data preprocessing] check BAF cell annotation: success
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 33472
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band'
    uns: 'log', 'data_mode', 'genome_mode', 'data_notes'
    layers: 'AD', 'DP'

check validated RDR and BAF

import anndata as an
# load preprocessed dataset
RDR_adata = an.read_h5ad(RDR_final_file)
xclone.pp.check_RDR_BAF_cellorder(RDR_adata, BAF_adata)
[XClone data checking]: RDR and BAF in same cell order

Remove marker genes

marker_genes = RDR_adata.uns["rank_marker_genes"]
BAF_adata = xclone.pp.Xdata_region_selection(BAF_adata,
                           select = False,
                           chr_anno_key = "GeneName",
                           chr_lst = marker_genes,
                           update_uns = False,
                           uns_anno_key = None)
[XClone-data removing]:
Filter out 30 genes / 33472 total genes, remain 33442 regions
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 33442
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band'
    uns: 'log', 'data_mode', 'genome_mode', 'data_notes'
    layers: 'AD', 'DP'

III-II: BAF Phasing

BAF_adata, merge_Xdata =  xclone.model.BAF_Local_phasing(BAF_adata, region_key = "chr", phasing_len = 100, bin_nproc=20)
[XClone-Local_phasing] time_used: 61.21seconds
BAF_adata, merge_Xdata = xclone.model.BAF_Global_phasing(BAF_adata, merge_Xdata)
[XClone-Global_phasing] time_used: 2.90seconds
... storing 'copykat.pred' as categorical
... storing 'chr' as categorical
... storing 'arm' as categorical
... storing 'chr_arm' as categorical
... storing 'band' as categorical
... storing 'copykat.pred' as categorical
... storing 'chr' as categorical
... storing 'arm' as categorical
... storing 'chr_arm' as categorical
... storing 'band' as categorical
... storing 'bin_stop_arm' as categorical
... storing 'bin_stop_chr_arm' as categorical
... storing 'bin_stop_band' as categorical

check coverage

merge_Xdata.var[(merge_Xdata.layers["dp_bin"].A.sum(axis=0) == 0)]
chr start stop arm chr_arm band gene1_stop bin_stop_arm bin_stop_chr_arm bin_stop_band bin_idx bin_idx_cum GeneName_lst GeneID_lst bin_genes_cnt
3103 1 247639749 248919946 q 1q q44 247747062 q 1q q44 31 31 [AL390860.1, OR13G1, OR6F1, AC118470.1, OR14A2... [ENSG00000235749, ENSG00000197437, ENSG0000016... 49
4053 2 89176328 96858095 p 2p p11.2 89177160 q 2q q11.2 9 41 [IGKV2-24, IGKV3-25, IGKV2-26, IGKV1-27, IGKV2... [ENSG00000241294, ENSG00000253202, ENSG0000025... 100
19006 11 133908564 135075899 q 11q q25 133956985 q 11q q25 19 196 [IGSF9B, AP000911.3, AP000911.1, AP000911.2, J... [ENSG00000080854, ENSG00000255406, ENSG0000020... 19
21554 14 21653835 22513998 q 14q q11.2 21667642 q 14q q11.2 1 223 [OR4E2, OR4E1, TRAV2, AC243972.1, TRAV3, TRAV4... [ENSG00000221977, ENSG00000276240, ENSG0000021... 100
22654 14 105472962 106331563 q 14q q32.33 105480170 q 14q q32.33 12 234 [CRIP2, CRIP1, AL928654.3, TEDC1, TMEM121, IGH... [ENSG00000182809, ENSG00000213145, ENSG0000025... 100
22754 14 106335082 106879812 q 14q q32.33 106335613 q 14q q32.33 13 235 [IGHV3-30, IGHVII-30-1, IGHV3-30-2, IGHV4-31, ... [ENSG00000270550, ENSG00000253491, ENSG0000025... 85
30061 19 58561931 58599355 q 19q q13.43 58573575 q 19q q13.43 20 310 [MZF1, AC016629.2] [ENSG00000099326, ENSG00000269600] 2
31458 21 46635167 46665124 q 21q q22.3 46665124 q 21q q22.3 5 325 [PRMT2] [ENSG00000160310] 1
32596 X 48255317 53170914 p Xp p11.23 48267444 p Xp p11.22 3 338 [SSX1, AL606490.3, SSX3, SSX4, SSX4B, SLC38A5,... [ENSG00000126752, ENSG00000230100, ENSG0000016... 100
33372 Y 2786855 25733388 p Yp p11.2 2787699 q Yq q11.23 0 346 [SRY, RPS4Y1, AC006157.1, ZFY, ZFY-AS1, LINC00... [ENSG00000184895, ENSG00000129824, ENSG0000027... 100

Check phasing performance

merge_Xdata = xclone.pl.calculate_cell_BAF(merge_Xdata, AD_key = "ad_bin1", DP_key = "dp_bin", BAF_key = "BAF")
merge_Xdata = xclone.pl.calculate_cell_BAF(merge_Xdata, AD_key = "ad_bin1_phased", DP_key = "dp_bin", BAF_key = "BAF_phased")
xclone.model.BAF_fillna(merge_Xdata, Xlayer = "BAF_phased", out_layer = "fill_BAF_phased")
xclone.pl.visualize_cell_BAF(merge_Xdata, Xlayer = "BAF", cell_anno_key = "cluster")
xclone.pl.visualize_cell_BAF(merge_Xdata, Xlayer = "fill_BAF_phased", cell_anno_key = "cluster")
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 347
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster'
    var: 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'gene1_stop', 'bin_stop_arm', 'bin_stop_chr_arm', 'bin_stop_band', 'bin_idx', 'bin_idx_cum', 'GeneName_lst', 'GeneID_lst', 'bin_genes_cnt'
    uns: 'GeneName_lst', 'GeneID_lst', 'local_phasing_key', 'local_phasing_len'
    layers: 'ad_bin', 'ad_bin1', 'dp_bin', 'ad_bin_phased', 'ad_bin1_phased', 'BAF', 'BAF_phased', 'fill_BAF_phased'

III-III -Smoothing

merge_Xdata = xclone.model.get_KNN_connectivities_from_expr(merge_Xdata, RDR_adata)
merge_Xdata = xclone.model.KNN_smooth(merge_Xdata, run_KNN = False, KNN_Xlayer=None, KNN_connect_use = "connectivities_expr",
                                      layer = "fill_BAF_phased", out_layer='BAF_phased_KNN')
merge_Xdata = xclone.model.WMA_smooth(merge_Xdata, layer="fill_BAF_phased", out_layer='BAF_phased_WMA', window_size = 101, verbose=False)
merge_Xdata = xclone.model.KNN_smooth(merge_Xdata, KNN_connect_use = "connectivities_expr", layer="BAF_phased_WMA", out_layer='BAF_phased_WMA_KNN')
merge_Xdata = xclone.model.WMA_smooth(merge_Xdata, layer="BAF_phased_KNN", out_layer='BAF_phased_KNN_WMA', window_size = 101, verbose=False)
xclone.pl.BAF_smooth_visualization(merge_Xdata, Xlayer = "BAF_phased_KNN", cell_anno_key="cluster", change_colorbar = False, colorbar_name = "BAF")
xclone.pl.BAF_smooth_visualization(merge_Xdata, Xlayer = "BAF_phased_KNN", cell_anno_key="cluster", colorbar_ticks = [0, 0.5, 1],
            colorbar_label = ["copy loss",  "copy neutral",  "copy loss"], colorbar_name = "BAF")
xclone.pl.BAF_smooth_visualization(merge_Xdata, Xlayer = "BAF_phased_WMA", cell_anno_key = "cluster")
xclone.pl.BAF_smooth_visualization(merge_Xdata, Xlayer = "BAF_phased_KNN_WMA", cell_anno_key = "cluster", change_colorbar = False, colorbar_name = "BAF",save_file = True, out_file = baf_smooth_fig)

III-IV-Beat binomial mixture modelling and HMM smoothing

GMM for CNV states guidance

CNV_states = xclone.model.get_CNV_states(merge_Xdata, Xlayer = "BAF_phased_WMA",
                   n_components = 3,
                   means_init = None,
                   max_iter = 200)

guide_theo_states = xclone.model.guide_BAF_theo_states(CNV_states)
[XClone get_CNV_states] time_used: 27.71seconds
       [0.3448917 ]])
array([0.3448917 , 0.65726365])

HMM smoothing

merge_Xdata = xclone.model.get_BAF_ref(merge_Xdata, Xlayer = "fill_BAF_phased", out_anno = "ref_BAF_phased",
                anno_key = "cluster", ref_cell = "Normal")
merge_Xdata = xclone.model.get_BAF_ref(merge_Xdata, Xlayer = "fill_BAF_phased", out_anno = "ref_BAF_phased_clipped",
                anno_key = "cluster", ref_cell = "Normal", clipping = True)
do clipping at ref BAF
## if you have limited ref cells , you can set theo_baf as 0.5   *important
# merge_Xdata.var["theo_BAF"] = 0.5

used_specific_states = xclone.model.gene_specific_BAF(merge_Xdata, theo_states= guide_theo_states, specific_BAF = "ref_BAF_phased")

merge_Xdata = xclone.model.calculate_Xemm_prob_bb(merge_Xdata, AD_key = "ad_bin1_phased", DP_key = "dp_bin", concentration = 100,
                                                  outlayer = "bin_phased_BAF_specific_center_emm_prob_log", states = used_specific_states)

merge_Xdata = xclone.model.BAF_smoothing(merge_Xdata,
                  inlayer = "bin_phased_BAF_specific_center_emm_prob_log",
                  outlayer = "bin_phased_BAF_specific_center_emm_prob_log_KNN",
                  KNN_connectivities_key = "connectivities_expr",
                  KNN_smooth = True)

start_prob_ = np.array([0.2, 0.6, 0.2])
t = 1e-6
trans_prob_ = np.array([[1-2*t, t, t],[t, 1-2*t, t],[t, t, 1-2*t]])
merge_Xdata = xclone.model.XHMM_smoothing(merge_Xdata, start_prob = start_prob_,  trans_prob = trans_prob_, emm_inlayer = "bin_phased_BAF_specific_center_emm_prob_log_KNN", nproc = 80, verbose = False)
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization2(merge_Xdata, weights = False, cell_anno_key = "cluster", save_file = True, out_file = baf_final_fig)
states used: [[0.3448917  0.49619205 0.65726365]
 [0.3448917  0.48427152 0.65726365]
 [0.3448917  0.52790397 0.65726365]
 [0.3448917  0.50331126 0.65726365]
 [0.3448917  0.49668874 0.65726365]
 [0.3448917  0.5        0.65726365]]
[XClone] specific Center states used.
[XClone]: validated probability, all finite.
cal emm prob time 1 seconds
normalize the input emm_prob_log
normalized emm_prob_log
generate new layer key value: bin_phased_BAF_specific_center_emm_prob_log_KNN
[BAF smoothing] time_used: 0.16seconds
filter nan emm_prob
[XClone] multiprocessing for each brk item
nproc: 80
[XClone HMM smoothing] Time used: 5 seconds
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 347
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster'
    var: 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'gene1_stop', 'bin_stop_arm', 'bin_stop_chr_arm', 'bin_stop_band', 'bin_idx', 'bin_idx_cum', 'GeneName_lst', 'GeneID_lst', 'bin_genes_cnt', 'ref_BAF_phased', 'ref_BAF_phased_clipped'
    uns: 'GeneName_lst', 'GeneID_lst', 'local_phasing_key', 'local_phasing_len'
    layers: 'ad_bin', 'ad_bin1', 'dp_bin', 'ad_bin_phased', 'ad_bin1_phased', 'BAF', 'BAF_phased', 'fill_BAF_phased', 'BAF_phased_KNN', 'BAF_phased_WMA', 'BAF_phased_WMA_KNN', 'BAF_phased_KNN_WMA', 'bin_phased_BAF_specific_center_emm_prob_log', 'bin_phased_BAF_specific_center_emm_prob_log_KNN', 'emm_prob_log_noHMM', 'emm_prob_noHMM', 'posterior_mtx', 'posterior_mtx_log'
    obsp: 'connectivities_expr'

More exploration

celltype_file = "../raw_data/TNBC1_data/tnbc1_celltype_diffresolution.txt"

merge_Xdata = xclone.pp.extra_anno(merge_Xdata, celltype_file, barcodes_key = "cell",
                                   cell_anno_key = ["cell type1","cell type2", "cell type3", "cell type4", "cell type5", "cell type6" ],
                                   sep ="\t")
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization2_complex(merge_Xdata,  weights = False, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type1"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization2_complex(merge_Xdata,  weights = False, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type2"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization2_complex(merge_Xdata,  weights = False, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type3"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization2_complex(merge_Xdata,  weights = False, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type4"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization2_complex(merge_Xdata,  weights = False, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type5"])
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization2_complex(merge_Xdata,  weights = False, cell_anno_key = ["cluster", "cell type6"])


mit_file = "/home/rthuang/ResearchProject/XClone/raw_data/TNBC1_data/MQuad_mitclones_df.csv"

merge_Xdata = xclone.pp.extra_anno(merge_Xdata, mit_file, barcodes_key = "cell",
                                   cell_anno_key = ["mit_clone_id"],
                                   sep =",")

clone2annotation = {
     0: 'Clone1',
     1: 'Clone2'}
merge_Xdata.obs["mit_ID"] = merge_Xdata.obs["mit_clone_id"].map(clone2annotation).astype('category')
## pick this one
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization2_complex(merge_Xdata,  weights = False, cell_anno_key = [ "cell type4", "mit_ID"], clusters_display_name = [ "Celltype", "MQuad_clone"])
... storing 'tumor' as categorical

Part IV-XClone RDR&BAF Combination

params setting

## files prepared
## params for this dataset
dataset_name = "TNBC1_scRNA"

out_dir = "/storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/demo_v1/TNBC1_scRNA/data/"
fig_dir = "/storage/yhhuang/users/rthuang/xclone/demo_v1/TNBC1_scRNA/plot/"

# xclone.al.dir_make(out_dir)
# xclone.al.dir_make(fig_dir)

## use_file
# output after CNV calling
BAF_final_file = out_dir + "BAF_merge_Xdata_KNN_HMM_post.h5ad"
## use RDR connectivities
RDR_final_file = out_dir + "RDR_adata_KNN_HMM_post.h5ad"

RDR_combine_corrected_file = out_dir + "combine_adata_corrected.h5ad"
combine_final_file = out_dir + "combined_final.h5ad"

# visualization
# default:XClone
cell_anno_key_plot = "cluster"

fig_title = ""
combine_res_base_fig = fig_dir + dataset_name + "combine_base.png"
combine_res_select_fig = fig_dir + dataset_name + "combine_select.png"

IV-I load preprocessed dataset

import anndata as an

# RDR_Xdata = an.read_h5ad(RDR_final_file)

RDR_Xdata = an.read_h5ad(explore_RDR_file)
BAF_merge_Xdata = an.read_h5ad(BAF_final_file)

IV-II bin to genes mapping

# map BAF to RDR
combine_Xdata = xclone.model.bin_to_gene_mapping(BAF_merge_Xdata,
                        Xlayer = "posterior_mtx",
                        extend_layer = "BAF_extend_post_prob",
                        return_prob = False)
[XClone] BAF extend bins to genes.
[XClone data checking]: RDR and BAF in same cell order
No genes in this bin: 3103 3152 , skip this bin.
No genes in this bin: 21554 21654 , skip this bin.
No genes in this bin: 22754 22839 , skip this bin.
No genes in this bin: 30061 30063 , skip this bin.
No genes in this bin: 33372 33472 , skip this bin.
combine_Xdata = xclone.model.CNV_prob_combination(combine_Xdata,
                         RDR_layer = "posterior_mtx",
                         BAF_layer = "BAF_extend_post_prob")
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 1097 × 6402
    obs: 'copykat.pred', 'cluster.pred', 'cluster', 'library_ratio', 'library_alpha', 'sample_chr_total', 'ref_chr_total', 'sample_chr_total_normalization', 'library_ratio_capped', 'counts_ratio', 'cell type1', 'cell type2', 'cell type3', 'cell type4', 'cell type5', 'cell type6', 'mit_clone_id', 'confident', 'tumor', 'copykat', 'mit_ID'
    var: 'GeneName', 'GeneID', 'chr', 'start', 'stop', 'arm', 'chr_arm', 'band', 'ref_avg', 'dispersion', 'gene_dispersion_bse', 'dispersion_capped', 'gene_index'
    uns: 'CNV_ratio', 'Logliklihood', 'data_mode', 'data_notes', 'dispersion_base_celltype', 'fit_dispersion_removed_genes', 'genome_mode', 'group_genes', 'guide_CNV_chrs_use_anno_key', 'guide_CNV_chrs_use_layers', 'log', 'neighbors', 'pca', 'rank_marker_genes', 'ref_log_expression_brk', 'sort_chr_dict'
    obsm: 'X_pca', 'select_chr_index'
    varm: 'PCs'
    layers: 'RDR_smooth', 'WMA_smoothed', 'emm_prob_log', 'emm_prob_log_noHMM', 'emm_prob_noHMM', 'expected', 'posterior_mtx', 'posterior_mtx_log', 'raw_expr', 'raw_ratio', 'ref_normalized', 'BAF_extend_post_prob', 'combine_base_prob', 'loss_corrected_prob1', 'prob1_merge', 'loss_corrected_prob2', 'prob2_merge'
    obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances'

IV-III visualization

# import anndata as an
# combine_Xdata = an.read_h5ad(RDR_combine_corrected_file)
combine_Xdata = xclone.model.CNV_prob_merge_for_plot(combine_Xdata, Xlayer = "loss_corrected_prob1")
[ ]:

xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_combine(combine_Xdata, Xlayer = "prob1_merge", cell_anno_key = "cluster",  save_file = True, out_file = combine_res_base_fig)
#### combine_Xdata = xclone.model.CNV_prob_merge_for_plot(combine_Xdata, Xlayer = "loss_corrected_prob1")

cell_anno_key_plot = "cluster"

colorbar_ticks = [0.25,1,2,2.75]
colorbar_label = ["copy loss","loh", "copy neutral", "copy gain"]
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_combine(combine_Xdata, Xlayer = "plot_prob_merge1", cell_anno_key = cell_anno_key_plot, color_map_name = "combine_cmap", states_num = 4,
                                    colorbar_ticks =colorbar_ticks,
                                    colorbar_label =colorbar_label)

colorbar_ticks = [0,1,2,3,4]
colorbar_label = ["copy lossA", "copy lossB", "LOH", "copy neutral", "copy gain"]
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_combine(combine_Xdata, Xlayer = "plot_prob_merge2", cell_anno_key = cell_anno_key_plot, color_map_name = "combine_cmap2", states_num = 5,
                                    colorbar_ticks =colorbar_ticks,
                                    colorbar_label =colorbar_label

colorbar_ticks = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
colorbar_label = ["copy lossA", "copy lossB","LOH-A", "LOH-B", "copy neutral", "copy gain"]
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_combine(combine_Xdata, Xlayer = "plot_prob_merge3", cell_anno_key = cell_anno_key_plot, color_map_name = "combine_cmap3", states_num = 6,
                                    colorbar_ticks =colorbar_ticks,
                                    colorbar_label =colorbar_label,
                                   save_file = True, out_file = combine_res_select_fig)

colorbar_ticks = [0,1,2,3,4]
colorbar_label = ["copy loss","LOH-A", "LOH-B",  "copy neutral", "copy gain"]
xclone.pl.CNV_visualization_combine(combine_Xdata, Xlayer = "plot_prob_merge4", cell_anno_key = cell_anno_key_plot, color_map_name = "combine_cmap4", states_num = 5,
                                    colorbar_ticks =colorbar_ticks,
                                    colorbar_label =colorbar_label)

more exploration

Show paper results for comparasion

#### %matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
img = mpimg.imread('/home/rthuang/ResearchProject/XClone/raw_data/TNBC1_data/TNBC1_from_copykat.png')
figsize = (20,12)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=figsize)
imgplot = ax.imshow(img)

(-0.5, 1403.5, 794.5, -0.5)
[ ]: